Participation & Service

Current/Upcoming Service and Participation Opportunities

Taking Online CS Courses


Year-round Opportunity

Members can earn participation points by taking online courses in any topic related to computer science that is not already taught in the CIT or school curriculum

We may ask you to develop a supplemental project to showcase your learning depending on the subject.

These are some resources to help you get started

You can log participation points here

Tutoring in Computer Science


Year-round Opportunity

Members can earn service points by tutoring for AP Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles, and Intro to Programming.

If you want to tutor, or be tutored, you can access the forms here

American Computer Science League


Contest 3: March 17, Contest 4: March 24 - Both take place in SC3

The topics for Contest 3 will be Boolean Algebras, Data Structures, and FSA's and Regular Expressions.

The topics for Contest 4 will be Graph Theory, Digital Electronics, and Assembly Language.

Old Contests can be found in the schoology resources page for CSHS or on the ACSL website.

You can earn 1 participation point for each contest.

RU Secure


Team Registration Due Friday, March 10

RU Secure is a Capture-the-Flag competition put on by Radford University

Form teams of 4-5 people. One member of each team should email Ms. Norris ( to register your team.

Programming Problem


Due Friday, March 10

This month's problem is to create a program to brute force a Caesar Cipher.

You can earn 1 participation point for a working solution and 0.5 if sufficient effort was made. Do NOT cheat and get kicked out over 1 participation point.

Please sumbit the code here.